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  • Writer's pictureCharlotte C. Louis

Stillness Is Power

Updated: Jul 24

I believe we can all agree that busy and productive are not the same. I was so busy at one point in my journey that I was too busy for myself. Being too busy for myself quickly translated into being disconnected from my needs, desires, and even knowing who I truly was. Being busy caused me to lose grounding and was limiting. In this post, I am sharing the first step I took to regain a deeply rooted connection with myself, ground myself in emotional wellness, strengthen my ability to focus holistically and express high-quality productivity.

I think it would be fair to include the fact that I didn't take this first step voluntarily. I actually didn't even know it was what I needed. I wasn't happy and even though it was my first year of entrepreneurship full-time and I was approaching my first 5-figure month, I was full of anxiety, deeply depressed, and somehow aware enough of my situation to know that something had to change. I did the only thing I could think to do at that time, pray. For 6 days, I woke up every morning and prayed for patience because I thought maybe my impatience was the reason I was so unhappy. I knew that impatience was the reason I was always busy. On the seventh day, I broke every bone in my ankle. Nothing dramatic, just walking into the kitchen complaining about something and slipped. Didn't even fall, Sis. I tried to 'walk it off' and collapsed. Even in that moment of excruciating pain, my thoughts were around the busyness.

How am I going to show up for everyone and everything? The answer was simple, I wasn't.

My prayer was answered and even though it wasn't clear to me then, my ankle injury was in alignment with my highest good. It forced me to be still. I wish I could tell you how incredible this experience was initially but whew, I struggled. I struggled with all of the emotions that I was confronted with in the stillness. I struggled with seeing the parts of myself that I didn't like. I struggled with focusing on the present moment, where I was, when I was, how I was, and why I was.

flowing in water, stillness

Just shy of 3 years later, stillness is a part of my daily regimen and I have grown in ways that I could not have even dreamed. Here's what I have learned about how powerful stillness is and why it is the best fuel for productivity.

In choosing stillness throughout my day I allow myself to expand in patience, purpose, and intention.

When you are busy all of the time you lose the value and appreciation that comes with patience. You're under the impression that everything requires a sense of urgency and cannot wait. This is fear-based and limits your ability to attract what is in alignment with your highest good. Without stillness you are unable to grow in the patience required to connect deeply with yourself and allow your needs, desires, and who you truly are to be revealed. Stillness is power in this way because with patience we become more confident in ourselves and clear on productivity not as work alone but also as rest and play.

Maslow's Motivation Model

According to Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs, Self-actualization speaks to one's experience of purpose and fulfillment. It is among the higher-level growth needs. I always explain emotions as opportunities to grow in self-awareness so practicing our Keep It R.E.A.L. method helps to not only grow both personally and professionally but also to become skilled at revealing purpose. When we take the time to invite stillness in our daily lives we create space for the exploration of our emotions and the feelings associated with fulfilment and purpose become more familiar. With stillness, the way we talk, walk, create, play, and express ourselves comes from a space of purpose that is limitless and intentional. Stillness is an essential component of self-actualization and empowers us to be all that we desire to be.

Intention encourages us to grow in trust and presence power. Because stillness allows us to see the big picture of our journey, aligning us with purpose and patience, we can move strategically harnessing the power of intention to manifest our desires. Intention brings structure and grounding to everyday goals to 5 & 10-year goals. Examples of being intentional are taking time to clear our minds before bed to optimize our sleep, pulling a hard stop throughout the day to check in with ourselves to ensure our needs are being met, or enforcing boundaries to maintain balance. Our intention carries our 'why' and when we are grounded in our 'why' we are disciplined and equipped with endurance. Stillness reinforces intention and eliminates confusion.

Beautiful joyful woman dance

Sometimes we do what we are used to or what we think is expected of us, but when we choose stillness to connect with ourselves, grow in patience, align with purpose, and be grounded with intention, we create our own path and stand in our divine power as a force to live the life we truly desire.

At SenterME, we believe that by nurturing self-compassion and authenticity, we enhance mental and physical health, promote financial abundance, and cultivate true work-life balance. SenterME is the catalyst for transformative growth and holistic well-being, supporting women professionals in every aspect of their lives. What do you think of this post? Like, comment, and share with a woman you feel would appreciate learning more about how to benefit from the power of stillness.

Remember, wellness is your birthright and self-love is true freedom.


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