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Amplify your organization's impact fostering growth & innovation!


Power in Collaboration

At SenterME, we believe that community and collaboration are the cornerstones of empowering women professionals worldwide. Our partnership opportunities are built on this foundation, connecting like-minded organizations and individuals to drive meaningful change, share resources, and create supportive networks. Together, we can elevate well-being, foster growth, and champion the success of women everywhere.

Take the first step Creating easily accessible pathways to optimal emotional wellness & st

Meet a few of our partners & Collaborators

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Designed to empower and promote women- and minority-owned wellness outlets, this program facilitates strategic partnerships with qualified affiliates. Gain access to a targeted audience and marketing opportunities to showcase your services, products, and events.


​Access our tailored group and corporate memberships at discounted rates to boost employee well-being and engagement. Our immersive workshops deliver expert guidance and actionable strategies that foster a supportive, innovative culture within your organization.


Let’s Grow Together!

Join SenterME as an Affiliate or Organizational Partner to elevate your brand, gain access to a dedicated community of women professionals, and drive impactful wellness initiatives that foster innovation and growth.



Our Affiliate Partner Network connects you with a targeted audience through strategic collaborations, while our Organizational and Corporate Partnerships offer tailored memberships and immersive workshops to enhance employee well-being and engagement. Both opportunities drive impactful wellness initiatives, foster growth, and support innovation within your organization and beyond.

Enhanced Brand Visibility & Market Reach

For affiliate partners, attract new clients and showcase your services, while organizational/corporate partners boost brand recognition and support employee well-being.

​Access to Dedicated
& Engaged Community

​Enhance client engagement for affiliates and boosting employee satisfaction and retention for organizations.

​Strategic Growth

​Organizations investing in wellness and employee development are 5 times more likely to see higher levels of innovation and 3 times more likely to experience increased profitability.

​Strengthened Community & Professional Impact

Workplaces prioritizing mental health and well-being see a 3:1 return on investment due to reduced healthcare costs and improved productivity.

"I liked how powerful the information was. It was cute or what I wanted to hear sometimes, but it was impactful which is far more helpful. I enjoyed it a lot, and I liked the interactive parts of the session."

Jewel Foreman 

"The event opened my eyes to a lot of questions I always thought about but never could put into words. It also gave me more ideas to things I could do to love and appreciate myself as a young black woman."


'This experience helped me personally because I have been saying to myself lately I need to learn more about myself and my emotions and this helped me with the process."

Brooke Wilson

"I really enjoyed this because I am currently trying to learn how to be emotionally intelligent and how to emotionally handle situations. I enjoyed the powerpoint and THE PLAYLIST."

Amrie Carter

"This was wonderful and reminded me of practices I have let go of during busy times and motivated me to bring them back into my day and prioritize them once again, so thank you! You have an amazing warm energy!"


"I thoroughly enjoyed this experience. I first heard you speak with Living Life Empowered  and your message just resonates with me."

Tomika Altman

"have been wanting to be more in touch with my emotions and I think this workshop has given me the tools to be better in it."

Bria Tucker

"'This allowed me to obtain methods to know how to love myself. I will definitely utilize everything that I have learned."

Khala Patterson

"I truly enjoyed this entire workshop. It was very informative and gave life to a group of women who need stuff like this to transcend into our next era as Black Women. Thank you for seeing the need, and doing something about it. God Bless you."

Unique Pierce

"It was a really great experience, learned a lot of skills that I will use in the future."

Jy’unah Jackson

"This event was an amazing experience very informative her spirit was so beautiful and her story moved mountains !!!!! I loved it."

Kimia Estrill

"Today’s event reminded me that “it is, what it is” when we learn that people and things are what they are, we must not attempt to focus on changing them, however, evaluate self. Many times it’s time for self to make a change by simple walking away."

LaChelle Davis-Moore

"I enjoyed the feedback from others and listening to their experiences.  Especially those that were related  to my experiences."

Sharon Jennette

"I really needed to hear this session. I have some work and reflection to do, so that I can embrace my DREAM life sooner. Loved the interactive component of the session to hear and learn from others."

Gevon Lockhart

"The content and presentation was stellar, empowering, and impactful! It truly helped me and is prompting me to dig deeper and finally face the process fully and put myself first."

Erica Maddox

"Every woman should incorporate this workshop in her wellness plan and/or make it a girls outing!! It was absolutely phenomenal!! Charlotte was engaging, inspiring, and the workshop was much needed."

Bea Ethridge

"The content spoke to my very soul. This was an amazing experience!"

Vivian Slade

"This helped me understand the steps needed to take to understand how I feel."

Shamonee McCrea

''You touched a piece of me, and really made me realize a lot about myself that I did not know about myself."


"The information that we talked about really hit home but it was very helpful and beneficial with helping me understand how to process my emotions rather than avoiding them. I really appreciated you taking the time to engage with us today so thank you for that."

Sherrmitria Garrett

"This was awesome for me in this stage of my life.  This could have been longer... I thoroughly enjoyed!!"

Frances Thompson

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